March 2016

Okay, it's our tremendous pleasure to welcome Jamie Martin today. He's here as a technology expert from that wonderful school in Amenia, New York. It's the Kildonan school.  We are absolutely delighted to have him here to learn all he knows about apps for Dyslexia.  Take it away, Jamie. Thank you again to Brock and Fernette for having me on this webinar series.  This is pretty awesome! Here is how I'm going to lay it out to you.  We'll spend about 5 minutes iOS accessibility--that's the stuff built in the iPad.  That will be followed by a series of apps. . . Just to make it make sense, I've divided the apps into categories, different skill sets.  So the first group will be Reading and Literature apps, followed by writing,spelling, and phonics apps, and I will talk about some phonemic awareness apps for some of the younger kids, in 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade, in that group.  The third group will be study tools, and that will be followed by multipurpose apps, which are among my favorites. Let's talk about iOS Accessibility.  iOs,for those of you who are unfamiliar with the term, is the mobile operating system for Apple devices.  It's your iPhone, your iPod Touch, and your iPad and iPad mini. Most of the apps I am going to show you tonight can work on any of those devices--some of them are iPad only.  Usually the ones that need a bigger screen are iPad only.  But, there are a number of built inaccessibility features that in and of themselves make the iPad a really awesome tool for Dyslexic students. The first accessibility feature is called""speak selection", and this is the iPad equivalent to 'text to speech' on the desktop computer.  It's called "Speak Selection" because you select the text that you want read out loud, and then you press a button that says speak and it will read it out loud to you.  Unfortunately, "Speak Selection" is not turned on by default. If you get a brand new iPad for your so nor daughter for Christmas, and you open it up, to try to have it read their email out loud on Christmas morning, or the first night of Hanuka which is coming up very soon, they won't be able to do it until they turn "Speech Selection"on.  The first thing you need to do is open your settings,or system preferences, settings on the iPad,then you're going to tap your general button here on the left, the general tab. Then you have "accessibility" right herein the circle, tap that and get to the accessibility screen.  "Speak Selection" is the 4th one down.  You want to tap that and make sure the green light is on, and you flip the little switch--you need it on.  You can also change the speaking rate,turn it all the way to the left for the tortoise, that's the slowest it can read. The hare or the rabbit is the fastest, on the right.  I like it somewhere where the arrow is pointing to, because otherwise,it's going way too fast & you get lost.  Ben Foss talks about his new book, The Dyslexia Empowerment Plan, training students,dyslexic students and adults to read really quickly with text to speech.  I think you can train kids like that, you probably don't want to start them out with text to speech that fast, so I would recommend starting where the arrow is pointing to there.  You also can have synchronized highlighting,that's the bottom row there in the settings.  It will read the text out loud,and show you which word is being readout loud.  You want to make sure the button is turned on (green).  This is a website for an upcoming website called Dyslexia from my friend Peggy Stern. What I've done is highlight text there,and you see once it is highlighted, one of the options you see in the pop-up menu is 'speak', and it's all the way to the right.  Because I am doing this in screenshots, I'll fire up my own iPad here,and this is what that sounds like:[Woman's voice reading underlined material from website] Not bad for a synthesized voice, with the new operating system, iOS 7 we now have the option of choosing between male or female, one of the features there. The next accessibility feature is called'voice over'.  Voice Over was developed by Apple for people with vision impairments. Unless you are reading something like an i book, where you want continuous reading with the page turns and everything, I would not recommend Voice Over.  What it does is change the gestures on the screen, so, when you tap an app to open it, it normally just opens.

Hello I think that you’re probably wondering How much it costs to get From here to here But first a little trivia What do these three things have in common An iPhone 6 Plus A quad core budget PC And a 36 pack of condoms from Venezuela Well they all cost $750 That’s right And you can expect to pay that same amount Per month in your first year Of riding a motorcycle In Ontario Canada anyway How’s it going people Brown Brady here And in this episode I’m gonna talk about the costs associated In your first year of riding a motorcycle So how did I arrive at that figure Let’s break it down The first cost is obviously your license In Ontario Canada this is $74 And that includes the Knowledge Test Your 90 day M1 license And the M2 Road Test In Ontario the only required gear is a helmet And a good helmet should cost you around $150 However I also recommend that you get A riding jacket A pair of riding gloves And a pair of riding boots All in all it should cost you around $500 Although optional Taking a motorcycle safety course is extremely recommended There are just too many lessons better learned In a controlled environment than out in the streets There could also be potential savings For new riders who have completed a safety course Riders Training Institute or RTI Charges $420 for their basic course Your largest one time cost is most likely Going to be your motorcycle But if you’re like me I just picked out a CBR 250 And it only cost me $3000 Plus the registration fee Depending on your age your riding history And the type of motorcycle Your insurance cost could vary wildly In my case with my CBR 250 My insurance cost was around $742 a year And this was through TD Insurance I am in no way affiliated with TD Insurance And they are not paying me to endorse them But having said that If TD Insurance is watching. The advantage of buying a small displacement engine Like the CBR 25O Is that it only cost me $10 a week to fuel it This is about $340 a year You could spend the same amount per month On a small sedan Maintenance costs are minimal and are associated to Winterizing or de-winterizing the bike This includes an oil change Air filter inspection or replacement And chain cleaning Which is probably around $100 Modifications are optional But you will most likely do it anyway So let’s say you modified the exhaust The fender and lights This should cost you around $800 So to sum it up you’re gonna need a License for $74 Riding gear for $500 Motorcycle safety course for $420 Motorcycle for $3000 Registration for $42 Insurance for $724 Fuel and maintenance for $440 And modifications for $800 Which is a grand total of $6000 And since you are only riding for Eight months out of the year That is an average of $750 a month If you could survive the streets for just one year Year two promises to be more affordable Because most of your one time costs are gone So if you are planning on getting From here to here Start saving up for it this year And you’ll be ready by next year Perhaps you could forego the temptation Of buying stuff or plan to be more frugal And that about concludes this episode If you liked this video please hit that like button Or better yet hit that subscribe button And I’ll see you in my next video As always ride safe And thanks for watching This includes the M1 In Ontario Canada You look like a bobble head.


I’m going to share with you some tips on how to reduce motorcycle insurance costs. But first, some common questions that new riders ask about insurance. What does ‘comprehensive’ coverage mean,and is it mandatory?Comprehensive means that the insurance company will take on the risk of paying for any damage or loss to your vehicle. For example, if your motorcycle was stolen, the insurance company will pay to have it replaced. This type of coverage is optional,unless you borrowed money to buy your bike. And in such cases, the bank will force you to get comprehensive insurance to protect themselves, until your loan is discharged. What does ‘third party liability’ coverage mean and is it mandatory?Third-Party Liability coverage, in Canada, means that the insurance company will defend you for any claims by a third party due to damages you caused while operating your vehicle. For example you ran into someone's backyard and wrecked their fence. This is mandatory in Canada, and in many countries it’s called standard insurance. But if you want to save some money,you can choose to go with the minimum coverage, like $200,000. However, keep in mind that personal injury lawyers nowadays will push up to million dollars in liability claims,so if you can afford a million dollar coverage, go for it. What is a ‘deductible’?A deductible is money you have to pay up front for an insurance claim. The insurance will then pay for the balance. For example, if your repairs will cost $2000,and your deductible is a $1,000,you must first pay $1,000, and the insurance company will pay the other $1,000. The purpose of the deductible is to discourage large amounts of trivial costs that you could have paid for yourself. A higher deductible will reduce your insurance cost. Motorcycle insurance works in the same way as car insurance, so if you have an excellent driving record in your car, you will enjoy the same savings in your motorcycle insurance. Also, keep in mind that your driving record will affect any vehicle that you operate as a principal. There are many factors that affect the cost of insurance including your age, previous accidents or claims, traffic violations, continuous insurance coverage, your city’s claims loss history, and the type of motorcycle you want to ride. Now that that is out of the way, here are ways to reduce motorcycle insurance costs:Number one Do not get comprehensive insurance unless it is mandatory. While this means that you will be shouldering the cost of any damages to your motorcycle like fire, theft, and collision. You can put away the large chunk of money you will be saving into a bank. And after several months, you will have enough money to completely insure your own bike. Number two-increase your deductible. If you must take comprehensive coverage, increase your deductible as much as you can. The higher the deductible, the bigger the savings. Then put the savings away until you have enough to cover it. For example, if you have a $1,000 deductible,put away $125 a month for 8 months. Number three Take a motorcycle safety course. You can receive discounts from your insurance company, and over time,you’ll recoup the cost of the safety course. Number four Take advantage of club membership benefits like motorcycle clubs, CAA, and Costco. Sometimes they offer great insurance discounts for being a member. Number five Use an insurance broker. They’re like mortgage brokers in that they have access to many insurance companies. You can save time by having a broker make all the phone calls for you to insurance companies and you can pick up the lowest rate if you wish. Number six Ask for discounts. For example, some insurance companies offer a discount for paying for the whole year in advance, or if you also insure your home another vehicles through them. It doesn’t hurt to ask. Number seven Insure a lower displacement bike. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that larger bikes will cost more to insure. So at least until you have a good enough driving record, ride a lower displacement bike like a 500cc or less motorcycle like the one sI have back here. And finally, maintain a clean riding record overtime. Riding defensively isn’t just for your own physical protection, it also has a positive effect on your insurance record. Maintain an excellent record and don’t interrupt your insurance coverage. And now my thoughts on Comprehensive Insurance. An insurance company’s job is to take on the financial risks for you so that you can have peace of mind at a cost. And a standard insurance coverage should be part of your overall financial plan. Comprehensive insurance, however, is like forced savings. You’re paying the insurance company to cover the cost of damages to your motorcycle ahead of time. And when you file a damage claim, you will be forced to pay that back again through an increase in your insurance premiums. So what am I saying?While not all of us are wealthy enough to pay fora 1 million dollar lawsuit, a $1,000 repair job should be doable in just a few months of saving,and a $10,000 replacement fund in a few years. It’s good practice to always have an emergency fund anyway. So if you’re willing to fund your own comprehensive insurance, do it. And that will be all for this episode. If you have any other tips on how to save on insurance, please add them to the comments section. If you found this video to be helpful, please hit that like button, I’ll see you in my next video. As always, ride safe, and thanks for watching.

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