Welcome to 30 Days of Yoga with Adriene. And today is day 12 and I am feeling like a rock star. Probably because I am wearing my rock and roll yoga pants, which they're pretty ridiculous. But you know what, sometimes you just have to,you know, do yoga in a big t-shirt, and sometimes you have to wear your rock and roll yoga pants. So wear something you feel rocking in maybe today and let's hop on the mat. All right. So today we're going to begin standing at the front of our mat. Let's do feet-hip width apart, and we just stand up nice and tall, and begin to connect to our breath. Spreading awareness through all four corners of the feet and coming into our best and most beautiful tadasana today. Find your breath. Then bend the knees softly and inhale, reach the arms up and overhead. Full body stretch here. And exhale, forward fold. Take your time. Nice and slow. Inhale. Find a flat back position here. Keep it soft and easy breezy beautiful. Cover girl. Or guy. Then we'll just take a second here to just check in, stretch it out. Then slowly, we'll spread the fingertips left to right. Inhale, reach it all the way back up, stretching out the body, warming up. And exhale, back down we go. Inhale, halfway lift. And exhale, soften and bow. This time, step or hop it back to plank or half plank. So we can be here at a top of a push-up or knees lowered. Hug the elbows into the side body and slowly lower down, cobra or upward facing dog. Deep breath in. And to get nice baby cobra, pulling thee bows back and deep breath out as you release. Stay on your belly this time. So palms are going to be underneath the shoulders here. I'm going to press into the tops of my feet and keep my feet-hip width apart. So I'm not zipping them up just yet but keeping them nice and wide, and really pressing into the pubic bone here. Spread the palms wide. Notice if the elbows are coming out, pull them back. Then inhale, lift up baby cobra. Keep the heart open. And see if you can slide the fingertips forward, and come onto your elbows. So elbows are going to replace where the palms are, and I'm going to continue growing up tall. So it might take a little bit of shimmying to find that stacking of the elbows and shoulders. And again, we press into the pubic bone actively so pelvis is grounding down. And then notice if the fingertips have come in or gone out, see if you can keep these two lines. So we're coming into a beautiful sphinx pose. Extension through the crown. We draw the shoulder blades in, together and down, we grow up nice and tall. You can tuck the chin into the chest slightly, and make sure you're not crunching in the back of the neck, but finding awesome length back there. Then inhale, turn past your right shoulder. Press into both elbows firmly, evenly. And then back to center. Careful not to clench the buttocks here, but keep activity down through the pelvis as you look past the left shoulder. Stretch, stretch,stretch. Press into your right elbow. Breathe. And exhale back to center. Great. Now we release slowly onto the belly. Send the fingertips down towards the bottom edge of your mat. Inhale, lift up. Exhale. Press in your palms, lift the legs up high. Three breaths here. You can rotate the ankles, you can spread the toes, reach the fingertips. Pelvis, again, actively grounding down so we're not just kind of lukey flukey, but we'retaking care of the lower back. You can tuck your chin into your chest if you feel any pressure in the back body. Breathe, breathe, breathe. And then we release. Awesome. Forehead comes to the mat. Palms come underneath the shoulders. We curl the toes under, and we transition to downward facing dog. Work it out here. Stretch it out. Breathe. Then we come to a place of stillness for one full breath, in and out. Awesome. This time walk the palms all the way up towards your toes. And we come into forward fold here at the back edge of the mat. Inhale. Halfway lift and exhale. Slide it down, send the fingertips left to right and inhale. Reach it all the way up pressing into the feet. Reach, reach,reach, reach. And then exhale, hands to heart. Awesome. Lift your sternum to your thumbs and slowly we're going to rise up onto our toes. Drawing energy up from the arches of the feet, really maintaining this Mula Bandha and this Uddiyana Bandha, and this beautiful stacking of the spine. So hands can come together at the heart. And I begin to slowly lift up through the center channel, lifting up onto the tippy tip toes.
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